Terribly Important: please read….

Hello, if you are reading this because it has arrived by email in your inbox then you may want to know that I have changed my web address to www.northernmum.com which means you need to resubmit your email address to keep getting my blogs delivered.  The same if you subscribe by RSS feed.

You have only missed a couple of posts – the latest being about boys and their willies.

I do hope you will come over to my new site and carry on reading.






the day you left

Most people won’t have noticed, many probably won’t care. But I care, you cut me like a knife and the wound is still open.

You left me. More

Sun, sea and a seven foot chipmunk…..

Let me paint you a picture,

The sun sits high in the sky, heat flowing through its unusually bright spring rays.  A boat is moored before me, the doors flung open revealing signs of a feast inside; two handsome deckhands beckon me forward to join them in setting sail…. More

Being an arse of a mother

Sometimes I can be a real arse of a mother, I shout too much, I often expect too much and sometimes the whole enormity of being mother to three small people threatens to overwhelm me. More

Guest Sponsored Post: What to look for in a pram

Today’s post is brought to you by Sabina Hine, owner of Rainbow Pram’s, a fabulous site for those looking to invest in that all vital baby purchase.  Sabina offers some excellent tips on how to choose the right pram for you, a post I could have done with six years ago when the twins announced their arrival!

The top six most important things to look for in a new pram


Impossible to lie: a roadmap of fibs…..

My oldest daughter is a bouncing ball full of bubbling energy who flies through life experiencing a rainbow of emotions.  She finds it impossible to tell a lie, her face becomes a roadmap of fibs which all end in the final destination of giggles, and she says some flipping marvellous things without ever looking to disguise the truth. More

my dancing demons…

It’s amazing to realise that something that was horrific the first time can become normal by the third.

We are at the half way point; BB has lived for six weeks in spica. She has coped incredibly and has challeng More

a little pink package

I was just walking blissfully in the sunlight, basking in the joy of the working week ending and the weekend kicking in.

As I cruised through the streets a vibrant pink package on the floor caught my eye and a wave of sadness washed over me. More

Clearing the confusion….

I have been described as being a little competitive at times…

Personally I find it nothing short of normal to leap out of the car after work, tag your other half on the shoulder More

It’s a simple matter of human biology….

“So how old are you?” exclaimed the friendly lady to a cheerful twin girl.

“I am six,” she replied with a smile tickling her lips, “but mummy says I am ever so tall for my age.” More

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